Objective 1: Create a BRANDING STRATEGY that triggers an emotional response in donors and prospective donors.
Objective 2: Create a program that connects individuals and groups interested in visiting the Holy Land with “Authentic Travel” resources who will get those visitors to Bethlehem for overnights, tours of the DAK campus and meetings with Palestinian leaders.
Objective 3: Establish a VISIONARY LEADERSHIP PROGRAM that engages key church leaders (senior pastors) to guide the leadership of BSB in creating policy and fund development.
Objective 4: Support DAK’s new ENTREPRENEURSHIP PROGRAM by engaging US donors and potential donors with students and professors resulting in financial support and mentorship.
Objective 5:INCREASE ANNUAL FUNDRAISING by BSB (and grant making to DAK) by developing and implementing a plan or 2022-2024, including exploration of a COMPREHENSIVE CAMPAIGN.
Objective 6:ENSURE FINANCIAL STABILITY of BSB to enable increased grant making to DAK.
Objective 7: ENSURE OPERATIONAL STABILITY of BSB through development of appropriate POLICIES and PROCESSES to provide structure and direction to the board, staff and Ambassadors.
Objective 8: LEVERAGE AMBASSADOR NETWORK to increase awareness of and financial support for BSB and DAK.